Giving and receiving feedback

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Giving and receiving feedback

Feedback as a tool for growth & development

Giving and receiving feedback is the foundation of any collaboration and the essence of a healthy organizational culture where people can grow. 

Unfortunately, feedback is often missing in most workplaces, or we handle it incorrectly: too little, too late, or not sufficiently supported.  

This does not come without risks. In today’s complex work environments, feedback is an indispensable skill.

“How do you ensure you maximize the benefits of feedback? What are the key levers? And how do you elevate yourself and your employees to a higher level?”

In the interactive training ‘Giving and Receiving Feedback,’ we start with your cases. This way, you translate scientific insights and new skills to your own professional environment.

After this training, you will understand how feedback works, its effects on you, and how to maximize its use as a growth tool.

You will learn about the rational and emotional aspects and gain insights into your triggers and how to bypass them when receiving feedback.

Of course, you will also learn the right techniques to give feedback, even in difficult situations. 

You will do this in a group setting with a simulation actor. You will work on a personal action plan and receive a practical visual to use after the training.

During this training, we will explore how to maximize growth and development when giving and receiving feedback. This requires insight into yourself, the feedback process, and understanding others.

1. Feedback for growth

Feedback sits at the intersection of our will to learn and our desire for acceptance.
By gaining insight into this process and understanding your own personal manual, you take the first steps toward finding the right balance.

2. Receive feedback like a pro

Listening to what someone else is telling us and being willing to view ourselves from a different perspective requires insight into your emotional triggers. By understanding your own triggers, those of your conversation partner, and how to manage them, you can explain why you or your conversation partner may react in a certain way and adjust your approach accordingly.

3. The art of mastery

You will learn techniques for giving effective feedback, even when it’s challenging.
The BUSC, mirror, and diving board techniques will hold no secrets for you, and you will be able to apply them in various situations and cases.

4. Let’s do this!

Practice! Practice! Practice! With your cases, in groups, and with a simulation actor.


After this training: 

  • You will know what is needed to get the most out of feedback.
  • You will understand that feedback has both rational and emotional aspects.
  • You will be aware of the effects of feedback (both when receiving and giving).
  • You will know your own emotional triggers and how to use them to gain insight into your own behavior and that of others.
  • You will understand the importance of asking for feedback.
  • You will be able to apply several proactive and concrete conversation techniques to your own cases.
  • You will be able to handle the reactions of the other party.
  • Concrete cases from the group
  • Group exercises
  • Personal action plan (translating theory to the workplace)
  • Visuals, flashcards, and/or job aids for each participant
  • Scientific translation
  • Simulation with an actor

This training can be used perfectly as a plug and play training, but can just as well be part of a Learning Journey. Below are a few examples that you can use to increase the effect of the training:

  • Pre- and post-training via digital Learning Boosters
  • Custom visuals and/or (e-)booklets
  • Individual coaching sessions afterwards
  • Full day with half-day actor (PM)
  • Customized format possible depending on learning objectives
Practical info
  • Max. 12 participants
  • Language: ENG, FR, NL
target audience
  • Managers
  • Employees

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Formats to develop a Culture of Dialogue?

You don’t build a strong culture of dialogue with a one-size-fits-all approach. To make dialogue work effectively within organizations, we offer various formats tailored to different needs and situations. These tools help strengthen skills, drive change, and achieve learning objectives. Discover how our formats contribute to impact and sustainable results.

To inspire
Short, impactful inspiration sessions that highlight key themes and take the first step toward awareness and change.
To train
Interactive and scientifically grounded training sessions that provide teams and individuals with practical tools and skills for immediate impact.
To build
Customized programs perfectly tailored to the unique dynamics and objectives of your organization.

Our events

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